Lake Snagov,
Snagov Monastery,
Burial, Possible once, Vlad III Tepes
Burial, Possible once, Vlad III Tepes
Complex Astoria
.1. Lake Snagov. This is a traditional resort area now, and about 18 miles from Bucharest. It looked like a perfect first destination. We avoid motorways, so arriving there took longer than usual. If you are pressed for time, take the motorway. Arrival is worth it. Even if you get lost, you will be safe we found.

2. Complex Astoria. We had trouble locating the guidebook's recommendation for overnight, the "Complex Astoria". No wonder: it had closed for the season (we were there in October). Still, we drove in and enough maintenance and other people were there -- got a room. The alternative would have been to drive on to Brasov. See FN 1
3. Roma. On the way, the first glimpse of rural Romania was stark. We drove through small, dirt poor either peasant or Roma villages. We believe they were Rom, or Gypsy, because of their darker skin and such poverty. Along the road: old women bent double under firewood, gaunt faces in doorways. We could not be sure at that early time in our visit. Everyone was helpful, pointed the way.
- Roma constitute 10% of the Romanian population, see Central Europe Review at In Romania, they were originally brought in as slaves in medieval times, and are now dismissed and discriminated against as disruptive, criminal, etc. Read the Central Europe Review site above, CER. See also Gypsies, Roma, Romani. The US and other western countries follow suit. See
- Is Presidential Candidate Romney the inheritor of a Roma surname from a century ago, before becoming Mormon? Possibly. There were no Mormons before 1820 --Joseph Smith, see, so Romney had to be something else. Our names come from somewhere. Even if he knows he comes from Roma roots, or has any interest even if he specifically doesn't, is he different in now ignoring them. Do any of us take ethnicity so seriously that we promote the group's thriving when we rise above? See speculations at Go check. can help.
4. Dinner when there is no dinner. Magazin Mixt.
That means convenience store. We had a fine meal from a general deli (dried sausage, rolls, cheese), a kind of bodega, at a village. People came around to stare, but we felt welcome.
There were no other cars out there in the country where we were, dirt road, dirt houses, dirt everywhere, no amenities, even so close to Bucharest. There were deep ruts from the wagon wheels, and horses. Horse carts. That has probably changed by now, with the funding coming in from the EU membership. Has it?
2. Snagov Monastery: The only way to get to the island monastery, and the alleged burial place of Vlad;s body (the claim) is by rowboat. Strong young men at Astoria will do the rowing. Leave plenty of time. Transport to the island is by rowboat. Go fast, before all this changes to motor launches and noise. See it at
The Monastery:
There is a small church on the island, with a priest taking the entry tickets to the interior spot in front of the altar where Vlad is said to be buried. See This looks like a Romanian offering an overview, to be preferred over the tourism sites, see
Apparently he is not there any more. The story tells that he was moved (his body - the head was decapitated during battle) to the outside, by the door, to protect it. Then, when places were dug up to find him, there was no sign -- only chicken or other animal bones.
Still, there are records that he had once been buried in the church.
The interior is lovely. One novel, "The Historian," by Elizabeth Kostova, see focuses at one point on where the head might have gone, then the body, and by whom, and what happened to the parts next. Are all reunitings good things? See and speculate about the stories at - Vlad tales.
FN 1. Complex Astoria
Overnight. This had been a communist resort, still is a resort, see Use your translator at Beware that it is seasonal. This was October, and just past the tourist season. More at It was already in process of closing until spring completely, and we were the only guests there. Nervous? Why. It's too late to go elsewhere, we don't travel fancy, our backpacks are all we have, and without faith in human nature no travel is worth it anyway. When the door would not lock, we stuck a chair under the knob as seen on TV. Done.
Be sure to have some cash -- either from the US or an airport exchange or bank ATM because not all places are equipped to do credit cards once the place is closing.
There are many campsites and chalets at the resort. The main building is a large hotel with atrium, long halls with rooms. Just fine. Back to locks. Check that you know how to work the locks before accepting the room and unpacking. They are not the same as ours. May take several turns. As it turned out, ours would have locked if we just kept turning, and turning.
5. Timing an arrival somewhere:
Our flight landed just before noon, so we did not have this choice: But do the Snagov trip early in the day. That gives time to go back to the motorway to the next big town (even Brasov), if the Complex Astoria is closed.
If you find yourself in a place without restaurants or hotels, as here (we finally found the Complex) just stop at the nearest Magazin Mixt - at the nearest crossroads - convenience store - and make a picnic. Sit outside and eat, and just be friendly. Lots of horsecarts, people, children.
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